Data Matching and Enrichment
We enrich the data we hold on file about you by matching your personal data with third parties. This will help us to improve your panel profile and ensure that we select relevant surveys for you.
Persistent unique identifier, contact details, email address, social login, cookie, mobile device ID, official identification number (i.e. ME number)
If you consent to cookies supporting this particular use case, digital fingerprinting will be used. A few of the companies we work with may use digital fingerprinting which is a way to uniquely identify a device without using cookies. This may use IP address, browser settings and other device IDs to create this fingerprint for their analytics or security products.
IP address, browser specifications, device specifications.
By consenting to any of the above cookies in the “Ad-Related Research” program and allowing “Behavioral and Advertising Research Cookies”, you allow us to use your consent (opt-in) across all the devices you use to access the panel services, systems, portals and applications.
Persistent ID
NOTE: The tracking mechanisms (cookies, cached objects, etc.) will not be removed or stopped until the next time you take one of our surveys or visit our website. If you are blocking cookies or don’t accept 3rd party cookies, you may still be tracked because companies may use 3rd party “opt-out” cookies to stop their tracking. You will need to access the LifePoints App or login to the website with the other devices you have used for surveys with for the opt-out to be effective on them as well.
Deleting or blocking cookies on your devices will not stop general advertising from other companies, websites or applications on your device. If you delete cookies, do not accept 3rd party cookies or clear the cache on your devices, this will not stop or “opt you out” of the “Ad-Related Research” program and the “Behavioral Adverting Research Cookies” we use. You will need to follow the instructions under “Opting Out of Ad-Related Research” to effectively opt out from "Ad-Related Research" as operated by our company.